Delmarva-New Jersey Ruritan District
Fellowship, Goodwill, Community Service


Regular Membership

The membership of a Ruritan Club represents a cross section of the citizens of the community. Ruritan membership is open to all, regardless of race, gender, religion or political affiliation.

  • Sixteen members are required, as a minimum, for the formation of a club
  • Active and regular participation in club activities is required of all members
  • Regular and honorary membership is by invitation

A Ruritan Club does not expect significant financial support from its members. Instead, we invest "sweat equity", time, and talents to support efforts to better our community.

Membership in a Ruritan club is not expensive. Nominal national dues based on membership are paid by clubs to the national office each quarter. Current national dues are $10 per member per quarter ($40 a year).

For this, members receive a Ruritan National magazine, liability insurance, tax-exempt status, the assistance of trained club, zone, district and national officers of Ruritan, and literature on efficient club operation. In relation to many other community service clubs in existence, Ruritans' dues are among the lowest overall.

Additional dues for local clubs are set by each club and depend largely on the cost of meals served at the monthly meetings. In addition to national dues, clubs may be assessed nominal district dues which help offset the cost of administration on the district level. The modest local club dues pay for the monthly dinners, liability insurance, national dues and club expenses.

Consider joining your local Ruritan Club. Contact Ruritan for more information; use the Club Links to locate a local club with cyberspace presence.
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